The act of using cupping as a therapy has been used by different ancient cultures like China, Egypt, Greece, and other parts of Europe for over 3000 years.  It involves using small containers that produce a vacuum when placed on the skin.  The vacuum suctions the skin into the cup. 

Types of Cupping

Over many years, many different types of cupping have been developed.  These different types include:

  • Dry cupping: one of the most common methods used.  A vacuum is created either with a suction cup or pump or heat.  Afterwards, cooling air draws the skin up.
  • Wet cupping: after doing dry cupping for a few minutes, the cups are removed and a small incision is made.  The cups are then re-applied.  Blood is then drawn out of the body through the skin.  This type of cupping can only be done by a medical doctor or doctor of osteopathy in Texas.  Therefore, it is not done in our office.
  • Massage cupping (gliding cupping): moving the cup over the affected area combines effects of both cupping and massage resulting is myofascial release.  For comfort, lotion is applied before the cups to allow easier gliding.
  • Needle cupping: combines acupuncture and cupping.  An acupuncture needle is inserted into the skin and a cup is then placed over it.
  • Fire cupping: a cotton ball soaked in alcohol is lit on fire to heat the air inside the cup.  As the oxygen is consumed, a vacuum is created.
Cupping and Dry Needling Session at Synergy Chiropractic of Houston
Cupping and Dry Needling Session at Synergy Chiropractic of Houston

Benefits of Cupping

The effects of cupping can go as deep as 4 inches beneath the surface of the skin.  Some effects include:

  • Bring blood closer to the surface of the skin and increase circulation.
  • Loosen and relax tight muscles
  • Soften tissue post-surgery
  • Increase lymphatic flow
  • Decrease pain
  • Many of our patients have stated they feel more relaxed and positive after a cupping session.

Cupping can be an effective treatment option for patients experiencing pain, soreness, and discomfort after a motor vehicle accident, or any other injury. Contact our office today for relief!

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