Even though doctors of chiropractic treat and manage more than just low back pain, many individuals frequently associate care from a chiropractic doctor with low back pain. This common association is not without merit. Chiropractors are experts in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of low back pain. Studies suggest that nearly 31 million Americans experience pain in the low back at any given time.

Additional Facts about Low Back Pain

  • Back pain is the leading cause of worldwide disability, affecting recreational and occupational activities
  • Back pain is the largest reported reason for missed work due to injury or sickness, even when the back pain is not considered a work related injury
  • It is estimated that nearly 80% of the population will experience back pain at one time or another in their life
  • Approximately 1/2 of all working Americans admit to experiencing back pain issues every year
  • Back pain accounts for over 246 million lost work days per year. This is the equivalent of 2 work days for every full time worker in America
  • Following skin disorders, and osteoarthritis, back pain is the 3rd most common reason for visits to the doctor’s office
  • Low back pain costs Americans at leas $50 billion in health care costs each year

What is the Cause of Back Pain

The back consists of 5 major regions: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, and coccyx. Back pain can be caused by a variety of things, from organic issues such as kidney stones, infection, blood clots, menstrual cycles, and cancer. Non-organic causes of pain stems from the musculoskeletal system. The musculoskeletal system includes the bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and discs.

Non-Surgical Back Pain Relief Options

Weaknesses within the musculoskeletal system occasionally require surgical treatments, but for most people, strengthening the stabilizing muscles throughout the spine can create long-lasting change.

Chiropractic spinal manipulation provides a pain free option for back pain relief. In the United States, there is an opioid epidemic. Opioid overdoses accounted for more than 42,000 deaths in 2016, more than any previous year on record. Alternatively, chiropractic spinal manipulation provides a safe, effective, nonsurgical, and non-addictive back pain relief solution. Chiropractic care reduces pain, improves physical therapy outcomes, and assists in the reduction of inflammation.

low back pain relief at synergy chiropractic of houston
Low back pain relief at Synergy Chiropractic of Houston

Synergy Chiropractic of Houston specializes in back pain relief. Through the use of chiropractic spinal care, we help patients to overcome both acute and chronic back pain. Contact our office to experience pain relief.

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