Auto accidents are a common occurrence, yet the majority of these car crashes are considered “minor.” “Minor” accidents generally happen at lower speeds that do not enough damage to either vehicle for the drivers to immediately feel their injuries. The rear bumper may only have a small dent, and usually the airbags do not deploy, yet your body still feels the effects of the collision. Could the minor auto accident that you were just involved in have caused serious injury? Unfortunately, the answer is “yes.”

According to Georgia State University’s HyperPhysics Project, an individual that weighs 160lbs, and is wearing a seat belt that is traveling only 30 MPH will experience nearly 30 g’s of force if the vehicle collides with a stationary object. This equates to 2.4 tons of force acting on the body! In unfortunate situations where individuals are not wearing a seat belt, the individual can experience nearly 150g’s of force, or 12 tons.

Even though the above scenario demonstrates what can happen at 30 MPH, it is not uncommon for individuals to experience serious soft tissue injuries and broken bones in lower speed collisions due to the forces created in an accident.

A Minor Auto Accident Can Generate Major Pain

Even though some insurance companies may argue that “minor” or “low speed” auto accidents cannot cause serious injury, this is simply not true. The forces generated within an accident are passed through the vehicle into your body. These forces include the quick acceleration and deceleration of your body when it is restrained in the seat belt. When rotation of the upper body over the chest strap of the seat belt is included in the equation, there is a compounding effect to the tissue damage. These forces are most present during a rear-end or t-bone accident.

Neck Pain is a Common Complaint after a Collision

The neck is particularly vulnerable in a car wreck. Due to the rapid acceleration and deceleration that the vehicle experiences in a crash, even at low speeds, and the inability to stabilize the head during a collision, the neck experiences a quick back and forth motion, resulting in soft tissue injury. Soft tissue injuries in the neck are frequently referred to as whiplash injuries. Whiplash can feel like muscle soreness, neck pain, low back pain, shoulder pain, weakness, headaches, and other symptoms. For some crash victims, whiplash is a temporary condition, while others struggle to overcome the injuries sustained by the accident. Regardless of the speed of the vehicles involved in the crash, all individuals involved in a motor vehicle accident should be examined for whiplash and other soft tissue injuries after a collision.


Preexisting Conditions Can Make Your Injuries Worse

Most adult spines already experience spinal degeneration, even prior to being involved in a motor vehicle accident. One research article regarding the prevalence and distribution of intervertebral disc degeneration [arthritic changes] over the entire spine from 2014 indicates that the “prevalence of intervertebral disc degeneration over the entire spine was 71% in men and 77% in women” less than 50 years old, and a staggeringly over 90% in both men and women over the age of 50. The most common areas of the spine that experience disc degeneration, making them more susceptible to injury, are at C5/6 (lower neck), T6/7 (near where the bra line would be), and L4/5 (lower neck).

The prevalence of spinal degeneration in adults, compounded by the forces associated with the car wreck can magnify the symptoms that a patient experiences. For this reason, it is essential that a thorough evaluation be performed on those involved in a car wreck by a clinician experienced the treatment and management of accident related injuries. Many injuries associated with preexisting conditions are overlooked by physicians untrained in accident related trauma.

Do Not Delay Medical Treatment Following an Accident

If you or someone you know was recently involved in an auto accident, it is important to be evaluated sooner rather than later. Injuries that are not managed correctly can become chronic, life long problems. Synergy Chiropractic of Houston can help you return to a pain free, pre-accident status. Contact our office today to begin the journey back to optimal health.

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